May 30, 2008

संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र मञ्चका तस्विर झलकहरु angbung KTM
All of you people are Congratulation with thanks a lot for bringing Federal Democratic Repulic Days by abolishing monarch in Nepal.We would like to wish its success and progress of Nepalese people to bring a best Constitution through Constituent Assembly on time.Lets change ourselves as the political changes in Nepal to make it meaningful with successful actions.We always hope your creative comment and suitable suggestions for this journey!Thanks!
Federal Democratic National ForumNepal

गणतन्त्र दिवसका तस्विर झलकहरु

सम्पूर्ण तस्विर - अम्वु जगत गुरुङ्ग

May 25, 2008

सम्वाहाम्फे परिवार भेटघाट विविक्यू कार्यक्रम

2008 -05 - 18 तारिखका दिन ताईमोसन डाँडामा सम्वाहाम्फे परिवार भेटघाट विविक्यू कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भयो । सम्वाहाम्फे कल्याण संघबाट प्रत्येक साल यस्तै भेटघाट विविक्यू कार्यक्रम आयोजना गर्दै आएकोछ ।

नरेश सुनुवारको कविता विमोचन तस्विर झलकहरु

